Our HSSEQ Excellence Charter
Our HSSEQ Excellence Charter has been developed as simple tool that highlights the 5 key behaviours of great safety leadership - Vision, Accountability, Collaboration, Action, and Communication - and the various tactical tools that enable V. colleagues in taking personal accountability for assuring the safety of themselves, their shipmates and colleagues, and our stakeholders, to assure flawless service delivery performance across V.
A copy of the HSSEQ Excellence Charter can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the image below.
Our HSSEQ Strategy
Our HSSEQ Strategy document lays out the strategic HSSEQ objectives and directions over the coming years, reflecting the values from our HSSEQ Excellence Charter and also tying directly into the Corporate strategy for V.
The strategy document can be referenced internally and can be provided to customers, auditors, and other relevant stakeholders as evidence of our direction, desires, and commitments for HSSEQ across V.
The document also contains additional details of those external programs and partnerships where V. actively contributes to - and learns from - to further HSSEQ excellence across the industry.
HSSEQ is our No.1 Service Delivery priority
HSSEQ is our most critical service delivery consideration, and our commitment to and delivery of HSSEQ Excellence is our licence to operate.
As such, we place HSSEQ at the top of our agendas, internally and externally through visible leadership examples such as;
- starting every meeting with a Safety Moment
- promoting and encouraging HSSEQ conversations
- understanding and acting upon HSSEQ targets and trends
- conducting informal HSSEQ walkabouts onboard and on-site
In summary, V. colleagues should "walk the talk" at every given opportunity across our vessels, sites, and offices
The V.VP
The V. Verification Program (V.VP) is a means for us to set objectives that seek to continually improve our safety, operational, cultural, and business performances in a manner that aligns with and reflects the expectations of our customers, industry bodies, and legislative organisations.
The V.VP is issued annually, and reviewed as each year progresses, to provide all V. colleagues – onboard and onshore – with a single reference document and detailed set of metrics, including our annual safety and service delivery Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), that assure our constant, flawless service delivery.
The dedicated V.VP page and latest overview can be accessed via ShipSure.
Local HSSEQ Resources
To ensure that each business has access to dedicated HSSEQ support and expertise, V. has assigned competent and experienced colleagues to the roles of HSSEQ Manager, Vetting Manager, and HSSEQ Officers.
Together with nominated Safety Officers onboard our vessels, this ensures a clear, concise, and scalable HSSEQ structure with associated lines of communication and support throughout the organisation.
Details of this structure and the various interfaces within it are accessible by clicking the image below, and further details can be obtained from your Dedicated Person Ashore (DPA).
Group HSSEQ Resources
V. has a dedicated HSSEQ team at Group level, which remains wholly accountable for the development, execution, monitoring, and improvement of all V. policies, process, programs, and initiatives to support our safety culture, safety performances, and service delivery.
With dedicated functional heads and supporting teams, Group HSSEQ provides both strategic direction and operational subject matter expertise to the entirety of V., to deliver on our obligations to colleagues and stakeholders alike.
Further details can be obtained from your Dedicated Person Ashore (DPA).