Strong, visible HSSEQ leadership

Every colleague is expected to set the strongest HSSEQ leadership examples at all times, regardless of ranks, role, or seniority.

V. provides open and inclusive programs across the organization to guide and empower every colleague in executing on this critical leadership expectation, including;

  • Senior Leader Engagement calls
  • Management Vessel Visits
  • Senior Officer Leadership Program (SOLP) training
  • 'Safety Catch of the Month' reward program

These practical programs are all underpinned by, and further supplemented with, all colleagues living an breathing the values and expectations of our HSSEQ Excellence Charter in everything we do, every day.

The V. Rules

The V. Rules are a set of 9 lifesaving rules, drawn directly from the industry leading 'Lifesaving Rules' program issued by the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP).  As the IOGP title describes, these rules are proven to save lives when diligently and effectively applied in our operations and daily working activities, whether ashore or afloat.

The V. Rules pocket card summarises these 9 rules in a handy reminder format, and also includes a 'Stop/Go' signal on the reverse to further empower colleagues to stop work when there is concern about the application of the V. Rules and safely start when everyone is prepared, briefed, and ready to commence work safely.

V.Rules materials can be accessed by clicking the image to the right, and dedicated training videos for each rule is available on the Percipio e-learning platform(Note: access requires a working connection to the V. internal network.)

V Rules

Consistent use of our Stop Work Policy

V. operates a Stop Work Policy that empowers; "Any person regardless of position and seniority has the right and duty to exercise their Stop Work Authority if, in their opinion or judgment, such activity is deemed unsafe and may lead to potential harm."

As a practical tool to literally put this policy in everyone's pocket and directly tie our Stop Work Policy into our V. Rules, we also provide pocket cards that contain a Stop/Go 'traffic light' to reinforce the needs to stop and check all work planning and safety preparations before commencing.

Our Stop Work policy can be reviewed in V.MS here, and pocket cards are available on request to your local HSSEQ team members. (Note: access requires a working connection to the V. internal network.)

Consistent application and compliance with V.MS

Our V. Management System (V.MS) contains all our key operational policies, processes and reporting needs.

The V.MS is written to meet the needs of the ISM Code, ISPS Code, Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), and many other industry standards that our customers, stakeholders, and certifying authorities expect, and thus should be consistently applied to ensure full compliance of our operational activities across V.

The V.MS can be accessed digitally here, and is replicated to vessels directly via the ShipSure platform.  (Note: access requires a working connection to the V. internal network.)