
At V., we recognise that high levels of wellbeing lead to better physical health, increased employee engagement, and improved safety performance.

Employee Assistance Program Resources

EAP Resources
Contact Numbers
Orientation presentation
EAP Training Schedule 2024
Mental Health Awareness toolkit

Training videos
Managing Worry and Anxiety
Overcoming Distorted Negative Thinking
The Psychology Behind Good Financial Habits
Coping with Depression
Coping with Grief
Mindfulness Meditation Exercise
The Basics of Sleep
Tools to Handle Stress
Imposter Syndrome
Communicating Without Conflict With Your Partner

The Importance of Wellbeing

Click on the below tabs to find out more.

Good health is essential for individuals to perform their tasks effectively and safely. When employees are physically fit and well, they are more likely to have the strength, agility, and coordination required to carry out their duties safely. Physical fitness reduces the risk of accidents, strains, and injuries, and enables individuals to respond appropriately to unexpected situations.

Mental wellbeing is equally important for safety performance. When colleagues are mentally healthy, they can maintain focus, concentration, and situational awareness, which are vital for identifying and mitigating hazards. Good mental health also enables individuals to make sound decisions, respond to emergencies calmly, and effectively communicate with colleagues.

Health and wellbeing influence an individual's ability to perceive and assess risks accurately. When people are in good physical and mental condition, they are more likely to recognize potential hazards and take appropriate preventive measures. In contrast, fatigue, stress, or illness can impair judgment, leading to oversight or underestimation of risks.

Health and wellbeing can influence an individual's willingness and ability to comply with safety rules and practices. When colleagues feel well-supported, valued, and cared for, they are more likely to engage in safe behaviors and follow safety protocols. Conversely, when individuals are experiencing poor health or stress, they may be less inclined to prioritize safety measures.

Health and wellbeing contribute to an individual's overall resilience, both physically and mentally. Resilient colleagues are better equipped to cope with unexpected or challenging situations, adapt to changing circumstances, and recover from setbacks. This resilience enhances safety performance by enabling individuals to bounce back from incidents, learn from them, and take proactive steps to prevent future occurrences

V. provides the following programs and resources to help you maintain and improve your overall wellbeing.